Sunflower Garden Montessori Preschool / Extended Day: accepts up to 24 children for enrollment, ranging in age from 3 years through kindergarten. This age range is traditional for a preprimary Montessori classroom. Children have plenty of time to master concepts at their own rate and also have the chance to be the "teachers" for the younger children. Our bright and cheerful classroom is 1800 square feet, so we have plenty of room to move around.
The Sunflower Seedlings is a new program for our school. It will have a small enrollment of 18 children to 3 teachers, and is open to children ages 24 to 42 months. Our youngest learners will focus on learning to enjoy school, making friends, and engage in group activities such as circle and story time. Self help skills such as toileting and caring for themselves are also an important focus. The children will also have a chance to work with classroom materials and actively explore their expansive environment. Another highlight of the day includes a visit form one of the preschool children. Both the youngest and oldest children at school love this special learning time together.
Sunflower Garden Montessori does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, or religious affiliation. Enrollment in either program may occur at anytime there are openings available and are accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
In order to enroll your child, all registration forms must be completed prior to participation in the program and updated annually. These forms include:
The above forms can be found and printed from and filled out on
Additional school forms (below) are available in our classroom.
The 2024-2025 school holiday schedule is as follows:
Children may be enrolled at Sunflower Garden Montessori in either a 2, 3 or 5 day option. SGM strives to make Montessori affordable to everyone. The rates for the 2023-2024 school year are as follows:
9/1/2024- 8/31/2025 2 Days a week $ 275/month
3 Days a week 405/month
5 Days a week $540/month
2 Days a week $350/month
3 Days a week $525/month
5 Days a week $675/month
Additional Charges
Morning: $35.00/day
Full Day (8:30 - 2:30): $45.00/day
Additional Extended Day: $15.00/day
Yoga for morning children one day a week (either Monday or Friday) $12.00 a month
Monday and Friday $25.00 a month Please add Yoga fees to current month's tuition.
Rate changes will be reviewed each June and will go into effect September 1st. A 30 day notice will be given in writing before a rate change may take effect.
One month's notice or one month's tuition is required for withdrawal. There are no spaces reserved over the summer months.
Tuition payments should be made via PayPal and are due the first school day of each month*. Tuition will be considered late after the 5th of the month, and will be subject to a $25.00 late fee. Failure to pay tuition after two weeks is grounds for dismissal. A receipt for payment will be given out by January 15th for the total year tuition if requested. This will include information that you will need for the daycare credit on your taxes. If you need a receipt more often, please let me know.
* Alternative schedules can be arranged
There is no credit given for legal holidays, absences, or vacations.
After 12:40 late fees will be incurred at $1.00 per minute for each minute you are late.
Sunflower Garden Montessori follows the discipline and behavior management policy set forth by the State of North Carolina. Please read the form, sign and return. An extra copy is included to remain with your records for future reference.
When appropriate, the child will also be given the chance to "right the wrong" for example: holding an ice cube to an injury
Children who prove to be a serious discipline problem will be asked to leave the school if meeting with the parents and establishing a course of action fails. Grounds for dismissal include, but not limited to: inflicting injury or harm on other children, teachers, class pets, or the environment. I ask that materials that are willfully broken be replaced.
Sunflower Garden is designed to allow the child to participate in many activities during the day. These activities enhance social, cognitive, motor development, and art and music appreciation. The classroom is well equipped with both the Montessori, Waldorf, and Froebel materials. A sample of the daily schedule would be as follows:
Arrival and morning work time. Children arrive and are able to choose from activities on the shelf. The shelf materials consist of activities enhancing language, math, science, engineering, art, practical life, puzzles and manipulative skills.
Morning circle, greetings, songs, and presentations of materials and curriculum themes.
Snack is provided by the school and consists of two healthy food groups. An example might be a slice of cheese and apple wedges. Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack to share with their classmates. Fruit salads are always popular. We also provide bottled water for your child to help themselves to throughout the day
Snack is provided by the school and consists of two healthy food groups. An example might be a slice of cheese and apple wedges. Children are welcome to bring in a healthy snack to share with their classmates. Fruit salads are always popular. We also provide bottled water for your child to help themselves to throughout the day
Sunflower Garden Montessori encourages the celebration of other cultures and countries. These celebrations are incorporated into the program through activities, books, and special cooking projects and meals. Please let me know if you would like to share a special celebration with us.
Each child is encouraged to celebrate their own birthdays by bringing in pictures that show special events in their life, how much they have grown, and a healthy treat to share. Popular treats have been fruit kabobs and muffins. Please try to limit sugar! Treats high in sugar, fat and/or artificial coloring will not be served. The children are mostly happy with the thought of sharing as opposed to what they bring.
According to Daycare Licensing, your child should remain at home if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:
Children enjoy art and other "messy" activities. Please send your child ready to participate by wearing clothes that can stand up to their busy day without getting ruined. Children must also have socks to wear or "inside" shoes. Please remember this in the Summer when children often come to school in sandals!
It's important for each child to have a complete change of clothes in case of accidents or water play. These should be placed in a labeled, Ziploc bag and left at the Sunflower Garden Montessori. Please make sure they fit and are seasonally appropriate.
Sunflower Garden Montessori will have various classroom pets visit throughout the year. Our pets help teach care, understanding, and compassion. Some of our class pets are able to be taken home for a long holiday, all supplies included! Sunflower Garden also strives to teach how to walk lightly on our planet. If at all possible, organic food will be served and cleaners will be eco-friendly and cruelty free. We will also practice the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle! When packing lunches, let's teach our children to be good stewards and pack lunches with the minimum amount of packaging materials. Items such as fruit cups that can be recycled, will be sent home in your child's lunch box. Organic whole milk is provided at lunch.